Sunday, November 28, 2021
Not Who, But What
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Much to Be Thankful For
I grew up not too far north of the poverty line. I never felt that we were "poor," but as I grew up, I was increasingly aware of what we didn't have, and that really hit home when I went to college. I joined a fraternity, and most of my fraternity brothers - and other friends - were from the well-to-do suburbs of Johnson County, Kansas, not the wrong side of the tracks in Newton, Kansas.
Once I got my act together, I busted my tail to make sure that my own family would never want for anything. Don't get me wrong; one thing that my family had when I was growing up was love, although we weren't without our flaws (sometimes it felt like we put the "fun" in "dysfunction"). And I always knew that love was the greatest gift I could give my family as an adult. But it was also important to me that we had an abundance of experiences, first and foremost. And yes, the creature comforts of life, and financial security - both present and future - were important to me.
Looking back on my youth, I'll never forget one Thanksgiving in particular. Now, my family always had the traditional dinner: turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie - the whole nine yards. We did not do without in that regard.
But I knew that some did. And one year that became poignantly clear to me.
It was my senior year in high school, and I was working at a local grocery store. I happened to be working on Thanksgiving Day, but my shift would end in time to be home for Thanksgiving dinner that evening. I was sacking groceries, when a man stepped up to the cash register and placed a few items on the belt:
A Swanson's TV dinner; roast turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, and some vegetable that I don't recall. A frozen pumpkin pie. Some store-brand whipped topping.
He was alone. That was his Thanksgiving dinner. If it had been up to me, I'd have invited him to our house for dinner, but it wasn't up to me, and I didn't. I probably should have anyway. I still think about him. The memory sticks with me, and I think about it every Thanksgiving, even 46 years later. There, but for the grace of God ...
Fast forward to today. Like I said, I've worked hard to make sure that I'm not in that position, and never will be. Not everyone is so fortunate, and I'm thankful for how blessed I am every day. (Don't get me wrong; I'm not implying that that man didn't work hard - he may not have had the opportunities I've had. He may not have taken the risks I've taken. I don't know his circumstances.) But I worked plenty of factory jobs in my hometown, and even before I knew what I wanted to do with my life, I knew what I didn't want to do, and how I didn't want to live.
So as I entered that phase of my life in which I could be reasonably assured that, even should a calamity strike - the loss of a job, the stock market tanking, or some other unexpected risk - I wouldn't be living in a refrigerator box; that I would be comfortable no matter what, I suppose I developed a certain set of expectations. I guess I began to see a certain ordering of things in the world in which I lived.
Now, you may call that arrogant. You could certainly call it privileged; it is. It's also earned. I worked those factory jobs. Then, I went to college, worked hard to get a degree, paid back my student loans without complaining about them, worked even harder to get promoted, became a CEO, became successful, and wound up a far cry from the factory floor. Not by luck, and certainly not by family connections. By hard work.
Listen, I've visited Africa, on several occasions. I know I'm privileged. I know what extreme poverty looks like. I know how fortunate I am.
If you're reading this from the United States of America, I also know how fortunate you are. Do you?
I take for granted certain things. Like when I go to the grocery store, it's going to take me a few minutes to find my favorite cereal, because there are so many different kinds of cereal I can't find the box right away. That I'm going to have to take a picture of my toothpaste tube before I go to the store because there are so many different varieties, I forget which kind I always use (and I'm a creature of habit - just ask my wife, when she thinks I might like to try something new). That if I decide to start cycling again and want to buy a bike, I'll be able to find one, configured the way I want, in my size, without waiting for it.
In other words, as our friends across the pond would say, we're spoilt for choice. That fact was driven home when I brought a young man from Malawi to the U.S. for an internship eight years ago. The first time I took him to Target, he was overwhelmed by the choices he faced in selecting everything from toothpaste to deodorant to breakfast cereal to soda. Conversely, when I've visited Malawi, I've discovered the opposite. There, they refer to bath soap generically as "Lifebuoy," the way we refer to facial tissue generically as "Kleenex." Except while we do it due to the ubiquity of the brand, they do it because, when you go to a grocery store in Malawi, the only brand of bath soap you'll find is Lifebuoy. And not five different scents of Lifebuoy - just Lifebuoy. Likewise, they refer to toothpaste as Colgate, because if you want to buy toothpaste, Colgate is your only option.
However, when I've gone to a grocery store in Malawi - a third-world country, one of the poorest on the planet - I've always been able to buy Lifebuoy and Colgate. That's an important point in the context of today's post.
I read a lot. Much of what I read is fiction, but it's fiction that makes me think, and I almost always learn something from it, especially about other places in the world. Early on in my reading, fiction and non-fiction alike, I learned about the Soviet Union - the gulags, the bread lines, neighbor spying on neighbor. It made me thankful not to live under a system like that.
In March 2020, my wife and I traveled to Hawaii over our anniversary. I had recently completed a round of work travel, and there was talk about some virus from China that was going around, but I didn't pay it too much attention. I did avoid Chinatown when I went to San Francisco, but that was about it.
Hawaii was crowded with tourists, as usual. Nothing different there. Many of the tourists were from Asia, which also isn't unusual. So this virus thing seemed like just another story for the 24/7 news media to latch onto for a few weeks until something else came along. Ha.
On our way back home, we connected through the San Jose airport. It was nearly deserted. We spent the night in San Jose to break up our trip, and we were practically the only ones staying in our hotel. Our shuttle driver told us that all of their conference business had dried up, and the hotel had laid off most non-tenured staff (note that San Jose is smack in the middle of Silicon Valley, and conferences are constant). When we got to the hotel, the restaurant was closed - not for the evening, but indefinitely - but we were able to eat in the bar.
That was our first indication that things weren't normal.
A couple of days after I got home, I went to the Target near our house, where I normally did our grocery shopping. As I pushed the cart through the aisles, I was literally laughing out loud. I know the word "literally" gets overused these days, so let me be clear: people probably thought I was crazy, because I was quite literally laughing out loud. The soup shelves were empty. Canned veggies and beans, empty. Tuna, empty. No flour. And paper goods? Forget it. No TP, facial tissue, or paper towels. Of course, no hand sanitizer or wipes, either.
Things remained that way for weeks, and I stopped laughing. At one point, I woke up at 5:00 am and went on a pre-dawn commando raid to find TP. My grocery shopping trips typically involved three stops to find everything on my list: Target, Wal-Mart, and the Price Chopper grocery store nearby. And even then, some items wound up not being found, like cream of mushroom soup or flour. I started buying things we didn't need when they were in stock and keeping them on hand in the basement, just in case. Not hoarding, just one package of that particular item.
I don't drink a lot of soda, but my soda of choice is Fresca. It's usually easy to find, as there aren't a lot of us Fresca-drinkers. But for a long period of time last year, there was a widespread Fresca shortage. It had to do with a combination of a shortage of aluminum and artificial sweetener, and the fact that Fresca isn't as big a seller for Coca Cola as its other diet sodas. Go figure.
I came to expect these things during that time. After all, the world's economy had been shut down in response to a virus that we've since learned is about as deadly as the 1958 or 1967 influenza outbreaks, neither of which led to shutdowns, mask mandates, or mass vaccination efforts. That led to near-term supply chain disruptions, which were to be expected. This was exacerbated by idiots who seemed to think that a respiratory virus would lead to an unabated frenzy of arse-wiping, inciting a need to hoard toilet paper.
Now, it's November 2021. It's been 18 months since the U.S. economy re-opened. And there is no longer any rational excuse, other than policy blunders, for the widespread supply chain disruptions that we continue to see. The chip shortages that result in delays of production of everything from new cars to refrigerators to toasters (yes, toasters) to plastic blanks for debit and credit cards, which have EMV chips embedded in them to help cut down on fraud.
Used car values have gone through the roof. You've been hearing about this, but below is some visual evidence to see just how acute it is:
This is data that I follow all the time, and I've never seen anything like it. It's quite extraordinary, and it's going to wreak havoc on used car lenders in a few years' time, because the cars they're going to be repossessing when loans go bad are going to be worth far, far less than the values they loaned on at purchase once things revert to the mean, as they always do.
We've all seen the images of the container ships stuck in the harbors off the West coast. We've been warned by our Vice President that it will take longer for our Christmas gifts to arrive this year. (Hey, she's gotta be good for something, it might as well be dispensing shopping advice. The VP on QVC.)
All of this is the result of bad policy decisions. I refer to it as "the unintended consequences of decisions made in the absence of forethought." Here's the scenario: there's a virus, and nobody pauses to think that it's really no worse, in the grand scheme of things, than the flu outbreaks of a few generations ago. (Tony Fauci thinks it is, because his research generated it, and he thinks his team created the mother of all viruses.)
So Fauci and a bunch of other government lackeys say, "Hey, let's just shut down the whole economy." No skin off their arses; they're the privileged class - and I mean truly privileged, in that they have access that the rest of us don't. So they don't think about the knock-on effects of that - the second- and third-order effects down the line of such a decision. That's why they call it a supply chain.
As a result, we once again see some stores having to limit purchases of toilet paper. That's okay, I guess, if it's what's needed to save us from the hoarders who associate respiratory viruses with pooping frequency and volume. But there are still the issues with cars, appliances, etc. I bought new garage doors this year, and it took five months for them to get in, when it would usually take a couple of weeks, according to my installer. I recently bought a bicycle, and while I was able to find what I wanted, I understand that a lot of people are struggling mightily to find bikes and other exercise equipment - especially indoor equipment, with all the people now working from home and not wanting to pay for gym memberships.
And I have a big problem with that. This isn't Malawi. And it isn't the Soviet Union. I didn't sign on for this.
Yeah, I sound privileged. So what? This is what I worked my tail off all my life for. So I don't need some overgrown kid living in his parents' basement playing on the Xbox they paid for, judging me for my "white (as if the color of my skin had screw-all to do with it) privilege" because I've worked all my life to earn the right to have a certain set of expectations about the order of the world in the country I live in - a concept that is foreign to him, because he hasn't worked hard enough to earn that right, and never paid attention in school, so doesn't understand the benefit of living in the country he lives in, nor the disadvantages of living under the Socialist regimes he regards as utopian.
And, I've voted to maintain this order. I'll have a post coming up on what we actually vote for when we throw that lever (okay, so nobody throws levers in the voting booth anymore). But I certainly didn't sign up for a regime of bread lines. And if we're headed that direction - in the immortal words of the Beatles, "don't you know that you can count me out."But what's even worse than these supply chain issues is the Left's casual attitude toward them. We should be paying close attention to that, because it's the most insidious part of all this, because it's the part that most closely mirrors the regimes of the bread lines.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who would win the award for smugness if that trait were considered enough of a virtue to warrant an award, ridiculed the notion of a delay in the delivery of a treadmill, as an example of supply chain disruptions. I guess the Mom who's stuck at home because she's home-schooling her kids because she doesn't want their faces diapered, or doesn't want their impressionable brains stuffed with CRT, is just out of luck if she wants to squeeze in a quick workout during free period. Or the Dad who now works from home due to his employer's irrational fears over the virus can't stay fit during the winter.
And, more recently, a vacuous reporter on NBC suggested that, to help alleviate the impact of the highest inflation in 30 years (inflation, by the way, goes hand-in-hand with supply chain disruptions, and is a common denominator among all Socialist/Communist systems), that Americans celebrate this Thanksgiving without the traditional turkey.
That's right, drop the turkey to save money. (Or, you could just pick up a Swanson's turkey TV dinner for everyone attending your family gathering.) She suggested "an Italian feast" instead.
She went on to note that, if you announce to your guests that you're not having turkey this Thanksgiving, some of your guests may decide not to show, and thus you'll save even more money on the holiday get-together.
See, these smug pundits can easily afford to throw out this glib "advice," or to snarkily ridicule the ire we all feel at facing this brave new world of not being able to find the things that we've always just assumed would be there, when we wanted them. Why?
The New Executive Office Building in Washington, D.C. boasts a state-of-the-art athletic center for employees of the Executive Office of the President, offering occupational health, physical fitness, athletic and recreational facilities. In other words, Jen Psaki doesn't need to worry about whether a treadmill shows up at her door in a timely manner, because you and I, as taxpayers, make sure that she has access to one any time of the day she wants to use it. She obviously doesn't exercise her brain, but she can exercise her body anytime she wants. (Heck, she can probably use the gym in the White House residence - you think Joe's working out in there?)
And that vapid NBC reporter? You can bloody well be sure that she'll be stuffing her otherwise empty head with turkey on Thanksgiving. (She doesn't make all that much money at NBC, but she's married to an anesthesiologist, so she came by her wealth the old-fashioned way.)
That may not sound insidious. But if you've studied the regimes in which bread lines and high inflation are the norm, you'll know to which class these people belong. They are the state (the state owns the media in those regimes, and if you think we're not moving in that direction here, you're not paying attention), and they would have the rest of us - bourgeoisie and proletariat alike - not only sacrifice what we have, what we've grown accustomed to, yes, what we've come to take for granted;
But to accept that sacrifice as the norm.
In fact, to see anything less than the acceptance of that sacrifice as something to be derided, an example of "privilege" to be winnowed from the rest of society like chaff from wheat.
Bollocks, I say.
We are the wheat, not the chaff. It should be perfectly acceptable to have a certain set of expectations based on the fact that we live in the eighth-richest country in the world. (The combined populations of the top seven are less than that of California.) Let's put this "privilege" notion to rest: if I lived in one of the poorest countries in the world, I'd have an entirely different set of expectations, and I'd accept them. My expectations are in part a function of where I live - yes, I'm blessed to live here. I didn't choose to be born here; it was the luck of the draw. But here I am, so I have a certain set of expectations.
Those expectations are also a function of the effort I've put forth to reach the point I've come to at this stage of my life. (Others are born into wealth. That's their business. More power to 'em.) I've earned - through the fruits of my labors - the right to a certain set of expectations. (Generosity is another piece of that equation, and it's another topic for another day.)
When I'm asked to expect less because my country has suddenly become poor through some unforeseeable event, like a war or a famine or a real pandemic or a widespread disaster, I'll be the first to step up and sacrifice. When I'm asked to expect less because I made a catastrophically bad financial decision, and I suddenly find my standard of living has been decimated, I'll accept the consequences of that, and adjust my expectations. When I'm asked to expect less because I suddenly and unexpectedly find myself facing astronomical medical expenses, and am unable to work to cover them, I'll accept that lot, and adjust my outlook accordingly.
But when I'm told I should expect less because a bunch of incompetent career bureaucrats in Washington who couldn't balance a checkbook and don't know a supply chain from a paper clip chain screwed up, made bad policy decisions, failed to foresee the consequences of the decisions they made in the absence of forethought, and created a situation in which my expectations cannot be met, I will not go quietly into that dark night.
So if I want to buy a treadmill, I bloody well expect that the model I want will show up at my door when I want it, and if Jen Psaki takes issue with that, I'll buy her a hammer and some sand, and provide instructions as to what she can do with them.
When I go to the grocery store, I expect to find everything on my list in one trip: toilet paper, facial tissue, paper towels, hand sanitizer, wipes, soup of every variety, tuna, canned veggies, beans, flour, pumpkin, Fresca, and meat.
And I will by God have turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.
Now, having said all that -
I am most thankful to live in the country that I live in, to be able to have the luxury to expect these things. I'm thankful to live in a country that affords equal opportunity - I don't expect, and never have expected, equal outcomes. I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to work hard and earn my way to a place in life where I don't really want for anything, and to have been able to provide for my family the experiences and comforts we've enjoyed. I'm thankful to have been able to invest for a secure future.
And I'm thankful that I'm able to have turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. Not in a Swanson's TV dinner, but real turkey, with all the traditional accompaniments.
If anyone is reading this and legitimately cannot have that this Thanksgiving, please send me a message. I'll do my best to remedy that situation.
Sunday, November 21, 2021
And Justice for All, Part II
This post is a follow-up to the one I published after the acquittal on all charges of Kyle Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse, as you will recall, was found not guilty of murder, attempted murder, and recklessly endangering safety. The jury found that he acted in self-defense on all counts.
That earlier post recounted the trial, most of which I watched. It debunked numerous fallacies propagated by the media and internet trolls. It addressed the media coverage of the verdict, and some of the protests that followed.
This post will address a part of that reaction, drawing an important parallel. But before we dive in, let me first say this: I will probably be branded a racist for posting it. That's okay; pretty much everyone who dares disagree with the Left these days is branded a racist. And you needn't disagree with them regarding race. All roads lead there. Don't like the infrastructure bill? You're a racist. Upset about inflation? You're a racist. Opposed to wind turbines? Oh, you're definitely a racist.
But I'm sure I'll be labeled a racist just for agreeing with the verdict. Yet my agreement with it has nothing to do with the fact that Kyle Rittenhouse is white. (Again, so were the three men he shot.) It has everything to do with the facts of the case and the rule of law. For the record, in spite of the fact that Kyle Rittenhouse was asked to come to Kenosha - where several of his relatives live - to help protect a friend's business from rioters, I don't know that I necessarily agree with his decision to go there that night. One brave young man trying to stop a bunch of thugs from destroying property in a riot of that magnitude is like the Dutch boy with his finger in the dike.
Especially when the feckless Governor of Wisconsin rejected the President's offer to send in the National Guard to protect Kenosha's businesses.
So while I agree with the verdict, I don't necessarily agree with young Mr. Rittenhouse's judgement on that day. I don't know that I'd have advised him to go there. Yes, there were many people who went there to help protect property, and yes, some of them were armed. I don't know that I'd have advised any of them to do what they did. (Conversely, I definitely wouldn't have advised any of the rioters to go and do what they did, and if they hadn't been there, there would have been no need for anyone to go and protect property.)
Further, I've also been following the trial of the men who killed Ahmaud Arbery. Admittedly, I haven't followed it as closely, in part because it hasn't sucked the air out of the national consciousness the way the Rittenhouse trial did. However, from what I know of that case - from what I recall of the information available at the time of the shooting, and from what I've seen of the trial coverage thus far - I expect that the two white men who killed Arbery, a black man, will be found guilty of murder, and if they are, I will be in agreement with that verdict as well. That still probably won't be enough to allow me to turn in my racist card.
With that out of the way, let's recall part of the media's reaction to the Rittenhouse verdict. The mainstream (read: left-wing) media made it about race, of course. They claimed that it set back racial equality. (It wasn't just the media, by the way: Vice President Kamala Harris, who has turned out to be the worst pick since Ryan Leaf, said the same thing.) Part of the argument behind this was the tried-and-true "If Kyle Rittenhouse had been a young black man, the verdict would have been different" mantra. Never mind that, true or not, that assertion has naught to do with the Rittenhouse case.
Still, let's put it to the test.
Let me introduce you to a young man you've probably never heard of (I hadn't until this morning): Andrew Coffee IV. Coffee is a 27-year-old black man from Gifford, Florida. Note that the facts I present herewith come from a variety of news sources - I did not follow Coffee's trial, because to the best of my knowledge, it was not televised, nor did it receive widespread media attention.
In March, 2017, the Indian River County Sheriff's Office sent a SWAT team to Coffee's home. They suspected his father of dealing drugs, and they arrested his father at the front door after a brief struggle. Coffee testified that he was asleep at the time of the raid, and did not hear the deputies announce themselves. He never claimed they didn't announce themselves, just that he didn't hear them. He claimed that he first became aware that they were present when they broke out his bedroom window with a pole that subsequently detonated a flash-bang device.
Seeing the pole protruding through the window and having heard the bang, Coffee thought it was a rifle and that he was being robbed, and he fired a .45-caliber pistol out of the bedroom window two or three times.
Deputies returned fire, shooting more than a dozen rounds toward the bedroom window. At least one of those rounds hit Coffee's girlfriend who was lying in bed, 21-year-old Alteria Woods, killing her.
An earlier investigation cleared the officers involved in the incident. Coffee was on trial for one count of second-degree felony murder in the death of Woods (the argument being that his actions caused her death, though unintentionally, hence the second-degree tag), three counts of attempted first-degree murder of a law enforcement officer by discharging a firearm, and one count of "shooting or throwing a deadly missile."
I could find no mention of the racial makeup of the jury. However, on the same day that Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted ...
Coffee was found not guilty on all five counts.
Now, it should be noted that he was found guilty on a sixth count: possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. That one would be kind of hard to get out of; the facts of the case were that he did have a prior felony conviction; he was in possession of a firearm; and that is against Florida law.
But the fact remains that a young black man, with a prior felony conviction; living in a drug house (the raid turned up marijuana, crack cocaine, Hydromorphone, and oxycodone, ostensibly his father's); in illegal possession of a firearm; was exonerated by a jury that found he believed his life was in danger, and was acting in self-defense by firing the gun, even though ultimately someone died in the exchange of fire, and officers' lives were put in danger. Those odds would leave most in the liberal media to assume that he'd be found guilty, but he was not.
Again, justice was served, and our American jury system worked.
Now granted, it doesn't always work this way. But maybe, just maybe, justice is more color-blind than the media and the liberal politicians would have us believe.
You know what's different about the Coffee case?
- No MSNBC reporters followed the jury bus.
- There was no widespread media hysteria over the case in general, nor biased media reaction to the verdict. (For all its flaws, I doubt you'll see Fox News lambasting the decision as a travesty of justice.)
- There was no reporting that I could find of protests, let alone riots, in Gifford, Florida, by angry mobs who were upset with the verdict - much less in Chicago, New York, or Portland. (I suppose if news gets out of the guilty verdict on the firearm possession charge, the bored white kids in those cities may go bust a few windows, but with the supply chain what it is these days, the good Nikes are probably on a container ship in the Pacific.)
- Joe Biden isn't talking about the Coffee case. (If you asked him to comment on it, he'd probably think you were talking about an ice cream flavor.)
Saturday, November 20, 2021
And Justice for All
In case you've been living under a rock, Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all five charges against him. We'll get into what those charges were, and we'll talk a bit about the media circus surrounding the case and the verdict, and how they continue to get the reporting wrong, what the left really wants from our justice system, and other things related to this case.
But first, just in case any of my liberal friends are reading this - and assuming that, if that's the case, you're probably not going to read the entire post - I thought I'd run through some of the fallacies propagated by the mainstream media, internet pundits and trolls (sorry, that was redundant), your liberal friends, and other misinformed people.
Before I do that, let me say that I watched most of the trial, and what I missed due to work, I picked up watching coverage - not what the talking heads had to say, but actual footage from the trial, played later in the day. And for further information, I followed my usual practice of going to credible source information - not news media sources or conspiracy theory blog sites, but verifiable sources - to determine the facts. Also, I'm not a lawyer, but I've been in a courtroom a few times, and I have a bit of experience with legal proceedings, including the rules of evidence, albeit not in a murder trial. So all that forms the basis of the clarification I present below. Here goes.
- Kyle Rittenhouse did not cross state lines with a gun. He did cross state lines, but the gun was already there. Let's be specific. Rittenhouse lived (I use the past tense, because who knows where he's going to have to move now) in Antioch, Illinois, and went to Kenosha, Wisconsin the day of the riots at which he shot three people, killing two and wounding a third. Look up Antioch on google maps. I'll wait. You'll see that it's right on the Illinois-Wisconsin state line. As in, you could literally take one step from Antioch, and be in Wisconsin. Now, Kenosha is a bit further from Antioch: 21 miles, to be exact. So yes, Rittenhouse did cross state lines. He traveled a whole 21 miles, from Antioch to Kenosha.
- What business did Rittenhouse have in Kenosha, if he lived in Antioch? He went there just to cause trouble, knowing there were protests going on, right? (More on the reason for those protests in a minute.) Wrong. Rittenhouse lived with his mother in Antioch. His parents are divorced. His father, grandmother, and aunt live in Kenosha. His best friend, who bought the gun in question, lives in Kenosha. He worked in Kenosha. Look, I live in Overland Park, Kansas. It's right on the Missouri border. As in, you could literally take one step from Overland Park, and be in Missouri. I regularly shop at a Target in Missouri, about a mile and a half from my house. My wife and I eat out in Missouri frequently, and we never drive far to eat out. My daughter lives in a town in Missouri that's about 21 miles from my house, about the same distance as Kenosha is from Antioch, and I drive to her house regularly. Does that seem odd? Should my crossing the state line into Missouri be questioned?
- To continue with this theme: there were riots the night before the shootings, and Rittenhouse went to Kenosha that morning, to see what he could do to help the community. He was photographed helping clean graffiti off the walls of a local high school - graffiti that included obscenities that, if you're any kind of decent human being, you wouldn't want your high school kid reading when he or she went to school in the morning. He and his friends agreed to return that night to help protect local businesses from vandalism, and were invited to help by at least one local business owner who knew them. Rittenhouse picked up his AR-15 when he got there, for personal protection. He also carried a first aid kit - which he used to help some people during the riots.
- Now let's talk about the reason for and nature of the "protests." Kenosha police had shot a young black man named Jacob Blake. The officers were responding to a domestic complaint from a woman who had accused Blake of sexual assault and criminal trespass; he was at her home again, and there was a warrant outstanding for his arrest on those charges. Blake was armed with a knife, and he resisted arrest before the police shot him. They shot him seven times. Did they need to shoot him seven times? That was ultimately up to investigators to decide, and you're certainly entitled to your opinion. But before you express it, make sure you know all the facts. As recently as yesterday, after the Rittenhouse verdict, major media outlets were still reporting that Blake was unarmed - which is factually false - and that he was killed by police - which is also factually false; Jacob Blake is very much alive today. So don't buy the ongoing media narrative that these "protests" were sparked by police shooting and "killing" an "innocent," "unarmed" man. Beyond those false claims, whether the force applied was excessive is a perfectly valid question. But consider this. In December 2020 - after the Presidential election in which Joe Biden was elected, and in a state and county controlled by Democrats - the Kenosha County District Attorney (whose office prosecuted Rittenhouse) announced that officers involved in the shooting would not be charged. In October 2021, the Justice Department - the Biden Justice Department, mind you - decided not to pursue federal civil rights charges against the officer involved in the shooting, following its investigation into the matter.
- As for the nature of the "protests," buildings and cars were burned, dumpsters were set on fire and pushed at people, fireworks and bricks were thrown at police. In the videos presented as evidence in the Rittenhouse trial, one of the individuals that Rittenhouse shot is seen setting at least one dumpster on fire and pushing it towards people (although well before the shootings occurred), and during the time that individual was chasing Rittenhouse and threatening to kill him, people can be seen in the foreground bashing cars for sale in a dealer's lot with baseball bats. Dear reader, these were not protests or demonstrations. These were full-on riots, complete with fires, destruction and defacement of property, and assaults on police and others. And it's unlikely that Rittenhouse was the only person present that wasn't from Kenosha, or from Wisconsin; we know that the "protests" of 2020 regularly turned violent thanks to professional agitators from across the country who traveled from one flashpoint to the next with the express intent of fomenting violence.
- Oh, here's a particularly silly one: Rittenhouse's mother didn't drive him across state lines. She was working.
- Rittenhouse legally owned the AR-15 used in the shootings. Wisconsin gun laws are really weird. Rittenhouse was 17 at the time of the shootings. At that age, he could not legally own a handgun; he'd have to be 18. But he could own a rifle - as long as the barrel met a minimum length requirement. Weird, right? I guess they don't want young people owning Uzis, or sawed-off shotguns. (I'm testing your knowledge: Uzis are illegal in the U.S. anyway, for reasons I'll explain momentarily.) The AR-15 that Rittenhouse owned and carried that night met the minimum barrel length requirement, thus he owned and carried it legally. So let me repeat for those not paying close attention: he did not own the gun illegally. He did not even cross state lines with it (it was at his friend's house, and he picked it up there).
- For the sake of all that is holy, and I hate having to explain this for the umpteenth time, an AR-15 is NOT an automatic weapon! Automatic weapons are illegal in the U.S. Automatic weapons are what those who get their gun knowledge from John Wick movies call "machine guns." (An Uzi is a variant of a machine gun.) A single trigger press releases a number of rounds that is only limited by the capacity of the magazine, or when you let go of the trigger. In other words, when you pull the trigger, the gun keeps firing rounds until you let go of the trigger or run out of ammo. An AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon, meaning that each time you pull the trigger, it fires one round. When you let go of the trigger, it feeds another round, and you have to pull the trigger again to fire it. One trigger pull, one round. "AR" does NOT stand for "automatic rifle." It stands for "Armalite," which was the manufacturer of the original prototype for the rifle that numerous manufacturers have now copied. And you know what it's used for more than anything else? Hunting. Everybody I know who hunts wild boar in Texas uses an AR-15. They use them because they're cheap, reliable, accurate and easy to service. So please, please, PLEASE, stop saying that AR-15s are automatic weapons. Don't be an idiot.
- Joe Scarborough of MSNBC - who is an idiot - claimed, among other things, that Rittenhouse fired 60 rounds. The magazine capacity of his AR-15 is 30 rounds, so that means that he would have had to have emptied his mag, reloaded, and emptied a second mag. He did not. I believe he fired eight rounds, if memory serves. That should be neither here nor there, except that a) Scarborough is sensationalizing (surprise; he works for MSNBC) and trying to make Rittenhouse sound like the Vegas shooter, and b) Scarborough pretends to be a journalist, whatever the hell that is these days, and should thus report more responsibly. (And if he were a responsible journalist, MSNBC wouldn't hire him.)
- Rittenhouse is not a white supremacist. He shot three people. They were all white. One of the people he shot and killed was ostensibly a BLM protester, yet he was throwing the N-word around liberally, but Rittenhouse wasn't. Just because Joe Biden called Rittenhouse a white supremacist doesn't make it true. (Let's face it, Joe said that he was Vice President for 36 years, and that there were 550 companies in the Fortune 500.) But more to the point, prosecutors had Rittenhouse's phone - all of his contacts, all of his social media sites, all of the websites he'd visited. If there was a single link to a white supremacist, or to a site or page related to white supremacy, don't you think that would have been front and center in the trial and the media?
- On that note, let's turn to the silly "white power" sign. If you fell for that 4chan hoax, look up, quick: somebody wrote "gullible" on the ceiling. The hoax is this: the traditional hand sign for "okay," with the tips of the thumb and forefinger pressed together to form a circle, and the other three fingers raised, is actually a clandestine sign for "white power": the three upraised fingers form a "W," and the circle formed by the thumb and forefingers, along with the wrist below, form a "P." Google it. 4chan trolls specifically came up with this hoax to bait liberals: the originator of the hoax urged followers to propagate it, arguing that liberals would fall for it because "Leftists have dug so deep down into their lunacy." He's not wrong. Other 4chan white supremacy hoaxes include drinking milk as a sign of white supremacy, and adopting the polar bear as a symbol. Feel dumb? You should.
- Rittenhouse is also not a member of a militia, "self-proclaimed" or otherwise, as many media outlets have reported.
- As to the question of whether Rittenhouse had any business being there that night - did anybody? Was there a need for anybody to be rioting in Kenosha that night? Had there been no riots, Kyle Rittenhouse would have been at home in Antioch, and two men would be alive. Think about that.
- Being a white supremacist (he's not)
- Being a member of a militia (he's not)
- Being a vigilante (his behavior would suggest he wasn't; he ran away from his aggressors, not toward them, and if anything, three of them behaved as vigilantes - but in any event, he wasn't on trial for that, and I'm not sure there's even an applicable statute)
- Crossing state lines (not a crime)
- Crossing state lines with a gun (he didn't)
- Being driven across state lines by his mother (he wasn't)
- Illegally owning a gun (he didn't; the prosecution initially charged him with that, and it was dropped very late in the trial - more on that later)
- Owning an automatic weapon (again, don't be an idiot)
- Firing 60 rounds (don't be an idiot, Joe Scarborough has that covered)
- Being where he shouldn't have been (arguably guilty if it were a crime, but so was everybody present that night)
- Bad judgement (see previous point)
- Being out after curfew (also see previous point; the prosecution tried to include this charge initially as well, but the judge threw it out since everybody there that night was violating the curfew that had been put in place to quell the riots)
- The judge didn't allow the prosecution to refer to those who were shot as "victims." Well, no sh*t. "Victim" is, legally speaking, a prejudicial term, in that it would prejudice the jury against the defendant. Why? A murder has victims. Self-defense does not. If I shoot you in self-defense, you're not the "victim" of self-defense, you're the person I shot in self-defense. If I murder you, you're the murder victim. Since the determination of guilt or innocence on the murder charge had not yet been made, the use of the term "victim" would presuppose guilt, violating the presumption of innocence until proven guilty that is a cornerstone of criminal law, and has been since we inherited our criminal justice system from the Brits. So for this idiot to whine that the judge disallowed the term to be used just shows that she's upset that he didn't allow the jury to be prejudiced against the defendant.
- The judge did allow the "protesters" to be referred to as "rioters." Well, let's see - they spray-painted graffiti. They set dumpsters and buildings on fire. They damaged cars with baseball bats. They threw fireworks and bricks at police. They physically assaulted people. Peaceful protest, or riot? This "expert" may have believed that this prejudiced the jury against the riot - er, protesters. (Including Rosenbaum, who, again, set fire to a dumpster, and Huber, who assaulted Rittenhouse with a skateboard, and Grosskreutz, who pointed a loaded gun at Rittenhouse.) Or, you could simply view it as going where the facts take you.
- The judge threw out the gun charge. Again, Rittenhouse owned the gun legally under Wisconsin law. It doesn't get any clearer than that. What's really odd is that he didn't throw it out until right before jury deliberations began, when all they had to do was measure the damn barrel on day one. The judge didn't seem to really understand the Wisconsin gun law, and admittedly, it is confusing. But the prosecution's case hinged on that charge - if Rittenhouse didn't own the gun legally, he couldn't use it legally in his own defense. And the judge waited until the end of the trial to even address the question of the charge. Had he addressed it at the beginning and thrown it out, there might have been no need to proceed with the trial. But again, apparently this "expert" took issue with the judge throwing out a charge that was, on the merits, baseless.
Friday, November 5, 2021
Ghost Story
This has nothing to do with Halloween. It's about the ghost of Donald J. Trump, a specter that seems to be haunting the minds and souls of Democrats everywhere. They can't get this pesky poltergeist out of their heads. Everything is attributable to Trump. All roads lead to Trump. If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, Trump knocked it over. If a bear craps in the woods, Trump's climate policies are to blame, and the methane gases will snuff out life as we know it by 2025. Kids no longer blame their siblings: "Twump did it."
It'll take a while to get back to the "ghost of Trump" theme, but I need to provide some background first.
In case you missed it, Tuesday, November 2 was Election Day. There was no Presidential election, no Congressional mid-terms. Just state and local races, which are still important. But the biggest race of all, the one that garnered the most national attention, was the Virginia gubernatorial race.
The Democrat, Terry McAuliffe - who can't dance to save his arse, by the way - had served a term as governor before. (Why do Democrat politicians insist on trying to dance, anyway? Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren ... they all suck miserably at it. Okay, AOC had some pretty salty moves back in her college days, but that's it.) He had also been Hillary Clinton's campaign manager in 2008, and before that he was the DNC Chair. The Republican, Glenn Youngkin, was a businessman, a private-equity executive with no political experience. We don't know if he can dance, but he can play basketball; he attended Rice University on a hoops scholly before earning his MBA from Harvard Business School.
McAuliffe was widely expected to win, in spite of his questionable dancing skills. VA doesn't always go Democrat in gubernatorial elections, but the incumbent, Ralph Northam - he of the blackface scandal - is a Democrat, and not even that scandal could unseat him. And Joe Biden won VA by a wide margin in the Presidential election less than a year ago. (Of course, Biden's popularity since then has fallen harder than the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl odds.) In fact, VA hasn't voted red in a Presidential election since 2004. Indeed, McAuliffe was the early front-runner.
Then, in a debate, McAuliffe uttered a gaffe that would prove his undoing, and would provide a focal point for this campaign - and perhaps for the distinction between Democrats and Republicans in general, at least in regard to one key policy issue: education.
Education has been a hot button in VA. In Loudoun County, just west of the Beltway, parents have shown up at school board meetings to protest the teaching of critical race theory (yes, CNN, it exists), among other things. Loudoun County became a flashpoint when the National School Boards Association wrote a letter - seemingly aided by the White House - basically calling parents "domestic terrorists." The Department of Justice jumped on that, issuing its own directive that seemed to indicate support for the letter, though it stopped short of repeating that language; still, it seemed to suggest that the DOJ would use its not insignificant powers to prosecute parents who spoke out at school board meetings as such.
The NSBA later walked back its letter, even apologizing for the language it used, but the White House did not disavow its role in helping the NSBA craft the letter. Nor did AG Merrick Garland back off from the DOJ's position, which earned him a savage roasting by Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, with Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas telling him to his face that he should resign in disgrace. It was a beautiful moment.
But things really boiled over in Loudoun County when one father understandably went ballistic at a school board meeting because his daughter had been sexually assaulted in a school bathroom by a male student dressed as a female, ostensibly exercising his gender identity.
How did school board officials deal with the situation? They had the father arrested, incredibly. The rapist was sent to a different school. Where he did the same thing to another girl.
The assailant was finally arrested and charged, but was later released from juvenile detention pending further evidence. The Superintendent claimed no knowledge of the original assault, but later it was learned that he did know of the attack at the time, and covered it up. To date, it does not appear that he has been fired.
Against this backdrop, education was understandably a key issue in the VA gubernatorial race - in particular, parental involvement and parents' say in their kids' education. In a debate, McAuliffe and Youngkin were going back and forth about another hot topic with VA parents, sexually explicit content in school libraries school curricula. McAuliffe proudly noted that he had vetoed legislation that would have alerted parents when there was sexually explicit content in instructional materials. Then he dropped this gem, which provided Youngkin with a campaign ad, and turned the tide of the election:
"I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."
The issue was actually a microcosm of the culture war that is gripping America. The people began to speak in Virginia, and that was seen as a bellwether for the 2022 mid-terms and the 2024 Presidential race - especially with Biden's popularity tanking. (Even among his own party: a recent poll of Democrats asked whether they rather see Biden or "someone else" on their party's ticket in 2024. A significant majority chose "someone else" - in other words, anybody but Biden.)
Don't believe me? Think I'm overstating it? None other than Kamala Harris said the VA race was a harbinger of things to come in 2022 and 2024. Now, Kamala is a non-existent VP, a terrible campaigner, and a woeful candidate, but she's a calculating politician. She can read the tea leaves. And she was called in to stump for McAuliffe's flagging campaign (which may not be a winning strategy, given her track record). So was Joe Biden. And so was the Messiah of the Democrat Party, Mr. Hope and Change himself, Barack Obama.
All of them preached the same message, and this finally gets us to the topic of this post: a vote for Glenn Youngkin is a vote for Donald Trump. They said nothing about Terry McAuliffe's accomplishments, or his plans. Nothing about what was wrong with Youngkin's plans. Just that Youngkin = Trump, and Trump = Bad. (Okay, Biden did say something along the lines of, "You know what Terry McAuliffe will do, because you know what he did before." Brilliant, Joe. Very specific. Like most of what you say, except when you're answering what flavor ice cream you're eating.)
McAuliffe first attempted to distance himself from his gaffe, saying it was taken out of context, but the damage was already done. So he joined the Youngkin = Trump bandwagon. He may or may not have been involved in getting a group of Lincoln Project protestors to pose as Youngkin supporters pretending to be white supremacists, attempting to conjure up images of the painful and divisive (and often mis-reported) Charlottesville protests - a curious charade indeed, since one of the actors was black.
Toward the end of the campaign, McAuliffe waffled, and seemed to abandon the efforts at making the Trump connection, but at the very end, unable to resist the temptation that grips the Left, he embraced it once again, mentioning Trump 13 times in a 15-minute speech, and even fabricating a joint Trump-Youngkin campaign event that never took place, a lie that was repeated by at least one mainstream media outlet even after the election was over.
Who did Youngkin bring in to help him campaign, and what names did he invoke to compare his opponent to?
No one, and no one. He campaigned alone, an outsider with no political experience. He had no track record to stand on, so he stood on his positions, his values, and his plans. He campaigned to parents, as a parent. He compared and contrasted his plans and vision with those of his opponent. He didn't tie McAuliffe to Joe Biden - he didn't need to, as the memory of Afghanistan was still fresh, and the failure of the infrastructure bill and the massive tax-and-spend initiative was going on in real time. McAuliffe made his own connection to the Brandon Administration, much to his peril.
When the dust settled on Election Night, Youngkin had pulled off the upset. Counties that had gone for Biden by significant margins went for Youngkin by even wider margins. Even the blue counties that McAuliffe carried were closer than they should have been. And Youngkin outperformed Trump in the solid red counties, proving that he wasn't just riding Trump's coattails.
Just for fun, I spent some time watching Election Night coverage on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC. The latter two provided high theater in terms of entertainment value, and I'm sure that I and other conservatives engaged in similar sport boosted their ratings considerably, at least for that one night. And here's what I gained in terms of insight.
If I drank a shot every time Trump's name was mentioned on CNN and MSNBC, I'd have passed out long before I found out who won. Both networks attributed Youngkin's win solely to the Bad Orange Man, and they - like McAuliffe, Obama, Biden and Harris - equated Youngkin to Trump. Apparently any Republican who has the audacity to defeat a Democrat in any election is now the reincarnation of Donald J. Trump.
On Fox, however, they only mentioned Trump in noting how Youngkin didn't rely on Trump; while he didn't denounce Trump, he didn't embrace him - in other words, he didn't even mention Trump. He made Trump a non-event in his campaign. He ran as his own man. He didn't try to tie policy or rhetoric to Trump. In other words -
He had moved on from Donald Trump. And -
So had his voters.
This is a key lesson for Democrats and Republicans going forward, only Democrats aren't going to pay attention to it. The lesson is this:
Democrats think that the only thing that Republicans want, the only thing they're going to vote for, is Donald Trump, or a Donald Trump clone. Someone bombastic, someone who issues mean tweets and is self-aggrandizing and egomaniacal. Because they think that's what attracted Republican voters to Trump. Why? Because it's what repelled them from him - it's what made them hate him, and they need to hate Republicans, so it gives them a basis for their hatred.
What they fail to realize is that those same things repelled many Republicans, but they were willing to overlook them because what matters to them is policy - above all else, policy. So Republicans are going to look past the man - or the woman - and vote for the candidate that offers the best policy prescriptions. Many Independent voters feel the same way.
So a lot of voters who were so turned off by Trump's bombast that they decided Biden couldn't be that bad are going to get a wake-up call - or, as it were, a woke-up call - and come back to the realization that, to paraphrase James Carville, "It's the policy, stupid." (Even Carville is saying that now, and has become highly critical of what's become of his own failed party.) Because those voters now realize that, yes, when it comes to policy, Biden can be that bad. Worse than imagined, in fact. Far, far worse.
Even after the VA election, the denial continues on CNN and MSNBC: Youngkin didn't win because he was the better candidate, or because McAuliffe was a lousy one; he won because he's a white supremacist like Trump. (Hilariously, they even apply that to the down-ticket Republican victories - I say hilariously, because the Lt. Gov.-elect is a black woman, and an immigrant to boot.)
For Democrats, Trump is like that girlfriend who you had the dysfunctional relationship with back in college. Yeah, you broke up with her, not vice-versa. Yeah, you're now happily married, and you have a great job and a McMansion in the 'burbs with two well-adjusted kids, and you drive a new Tesla you paid cash for. But you just can't quit her, and you find yourself creeping on her Facebook profile, and driving by her house at night, and fantasizing about her. She lives in your head.
So let the Dems - including their propaganda outlets - keep focusing on Trump. And let the Republicans and Independents stay focused on policy. We don't care if the candidate is bombastic or genteel, egotistical or humble, so long as the policies are sound. If the last ten months haven't demonstrated the importance of that, I don't know what has. And come 2022 and 2024, hopefully we'll see a lot of other Glenn Youngkins emerge victorious.
In the meantime - let's go, Brandon!
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Follow the Leader
The subject of this post is a claim made by Joe Biden, but I'm not suggesting that he's much of a leader, nor do I recommend that anyone follow him as such. (If you do, you'll probably just wind up taking a nap - which, come to think of it, a lot of us could probably use.)
Joe's claim - made while he was in Europe, in a sad attempt to defend U.S. economic growth - was that wages are growing faster than inflation. Now, nobody bothers to look at source data or fact-check anything these days, but the Curmudgeon does, so let's start by determining whether Joe was telling the truth, or lying. (To be fair, he may not have been knowingly lying - Joe doesn't know the first bloody thing about economics, and probably has no clue how fast wages are growing, or what the rate of inflation is.)
For the record, Average Hourly Earnings year-over-year are indeed accelerating. They were up 3.7% in June, up 4.0% in July and August, and up 4.6% in September, the highest rate of wage growth since February. And February's pace was artificially inflated by the effects of California and New York re-opening their economies after their second shut-downs last winter, plus some businesses hiring more workers as vaccines became available. Moreover, historically, a 4.6% year-over-year pace is pretty doggone strong. It's higher than any growth rate seen from 2007 through early 2020, when the pandemic hit and a bunch of anomalous data began rolling in.
So what about inflation? Well, sorry Joe, but your claim is false. The Consumer Price Index year-over-year was up 5.4% in September. It was up 5.3% in June and July, and 5.2% in August, so prices have been increasing faster than wages for several months now - in fact, since April. So no wonder Americans are feeling the pinch at the gas pump and the grocery store.
I could stop there, and this post would be done. But I don't want to just prove Joe's claim wrong. I want to prove that, even if it hadn't been, he hasn't the first foggy shred of understanding of how economics work, and that anyone who takes his statement prima facie hasn't, either.
I'm going to offer an extremely simple lesson in economics here, and for the sake of simplicity, I'll take some liberties, because I don't want to write a textbook, and you don't want to read one. The focus will be on inflation, and if you've taken a fundamental econ class, the concepts will be familiar.
Basically, there are two types of inflation, defined by its causes: demand-pull, and cost-push. Demand-pull inflation is the classic case of "too much money chasing too few goods." A fine textbook example was provided by all the excessive and misdirected stimulus handed out last year. The government foolishly sent checks to a bunch of people (read: voters) who didn't lose their jobs and didn't need the money, so once the economy opened back up they bought big-screen TVs, fixed up their houses, bought cars, and eventually traveled. That, combined with supply chain disruptions also created by the government's botched response to the pandemic, resulted in higher prices, especially for anything that had a semiconductor in it.
So all of that money created demand for stuff, and the quantity demanded was greater than the quantity supplied, at least in the short run, and that resulted in higher prices. Thus demand pulled prices higher. Capisce?
The other type of inflation is cost-push inflation. In this scenario, the quantity demanded is constant, but the input costs of the goods are rising. Our semiconductor example is a good one. (I won't get into price theory too much here, but it should be intuitive that if there's a scarcity of semiconductors, the price of anything that has a chip in it, or even things that require chips to produce, will go up.)
Not all goods have semiconductors in them - shoelaces, ice cream, nail clippers - though their manufacture probably does require chips. However, there is one item that is required to produce pretty much all goods and services:
In fact, labor is generally the largest unit cost component of any good. So, if wages are rising, what do you suppose is going to happen to prices? Companies could attempt to absorb the higher labor costs, and under certain economic conditions, they might. They could also seek to replace the labor costs through automation, AI, etc., and that's certainly happening in every industry from fast food to banking to manufacturing. Want higher wages? Be careful what you wish for, you might be replaced by a kiosk.
But what typically - almost always, in fact - happens is that the higher labor costs get passed along to consumers in the form of higher prices. Thus higher wages are a leading indicator of higher prices.
So when Joe crows about wages growing faster than inflation, it just shows that he's not smart enough to understand that above-trend wage growth is going to lead to above-trend inflation, and he'd better start thinking about how to get in front of that, if he doesn't want a return to the 1970s. Especially when inflation is already above trend.
Now, the good news is that he's wrong: wages aren't growing faster than prices. But they are growing above trend. And that is going to push inflation higher. Coming on top of demand-pull inflation that is still a factor, that's not good.
A couple of final points. First, the Curmudgeon is not opposed to wage growth. Au contraire, it is, in and of itself, a positive. However, we need to examine the causes of the current pace of wage growth. Besides the disastrous decision by the Biden administration to extend the Federal unemployment insurance subsidy through September, which was a factor, there are other government-induced causes that have nothing to do with a healthy economy:
- Fear of covid infection, which is exacerbated by the fear-mongering that is encouraged by the government's chief pandemic point-man, Anthony Fauci; the CDC; and the media. When the Delta variant was driving new infections higher in July and August, that's all we heard about. Since then, new cases have dropped like a rock. The current level of daily new cases is below where it was in late July. New cases in Florida, the fearmongers' favorite whipping-state, are non-existent. Are you hearing this on the news? No, you are not. The government, health agencies, and the media are doing their best to keep people fearful, to the extent that many people are afraid to go back to work.
- School disruptions, including closures and remote-learning arrangements, that require parents to stay at home. Absent remote work opportunities, which are declining as companies are returning to the workplace, this is keeping some people from working. This is wholly unnecessary given the risks involved.