Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Obama

As I sit in the Salt Lake City airport, still groggy from the crack-of-dawn flight here from Kansas City following the three and a half hours' sleep I got, and awaiting the six-plus hour flight to Maui, here's a little gem I penned a while back. I do some songwriting (one of my pieces may wind up on a CD soon), and occasionally I'll re-work the words to a familiar tune, usually for the sake of satire. This is an example.

My Obama
(To the tune of “My Sharona”)

Ooh, you love to tax and spend, tax and spend,
When you gonna give us a break, Obama?
All this madness has to end, it has to end,
How much do you think we can take, Obama?
Treasury is broke, that’s no joke, Geithner’s printing fast,
China and Japan plan a ban, so it cannot last
My my my I yi – woo!
M-m-m-my Obama!
M-m-m-my Obama!

You want health care for us all, for us all,
Where’s the money coming for that, Obama?
Government will overpay, every day,
Will you tax us for being fat, Obama?
All the Docs will quit, pack their kit, practice somewhere else,
Then if we get sick, up a creek – universal health?
My my my I yi – woo!
M-m-m-my Obama!
M-m-m-my Obama!

Now you wanna run GM, run GM,
Do you even know what it takes, Obama?
What else will you wanna seize? We’re on our knees!
Please, you gotta put on the brakes, Obama!
You can’t socialize; it’s not wise – take a look at France
Even they now say: “USA, time to change your stance”
My my my I yi – woo!
M-m-m-my Obama!
M-m-m-my Obama!

Didn’t pay my income tax, that’s a fact –
Can I get a spot on your team, Obama?
Simple little oversight, it’s alright,
Wasn’t some nefarious scheme, Obama!
Cabinet gets a pass, don’t harass, get upset or curse;
See the bank execs – what the heck? What they did was worse!
My my my I yi – woo!
M-m-m-my Obama!
M-m-m-my Obama!

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