Thursday, January 19, 2017

More Musings on the HEARings

First up: the grilling of DOCTOR Tom Price, the nominee for HHS Secretary (I capitalized DOCTOR to emphasize that he's more qualified than anyone questioning him to serve in this role).

Sen. Al Franken went for an "aha" moment when he revealed that Dr. Price (himself a member of the House since leaving private practice) had owned stock in a tobacco company, thereby profiting off the misery of millions of people who willingly buy cigarettes and somehow wind up with lung cancer.

Oh, the humanity.

But the "aha" turned out to be on Franken, when the committee chairman later noted that Franken, through a mutual fund he owned, also invested in the same tobacco company.


Only Democrats would elect a comedian to the Senate.  This is not meant to disparage all Democrats, as I do not believe all Democrats would elect a comedian to the Senate.  However, I can't find one comedian that Republicans elected to the Senate.  Well, I guess they did elect a pro wrestler, Jesse Ventura, as governor.  But both Franken and Ventura were elected in Minnesota, so maybe it's just a Minnesota thing.  By the time election day rolls around there, it's so darn cold that it's hard to think straight.

Franken's best work was as Stuart Smalley, and it's all been downhill from there.  Maybe he'll run for President.  His campaign slogan can be, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!"

Next, the vapid questions the Senators ask.  "If confirmed, will you uphold the responsibilities of your office?"

"No, I plan to ride my Big Wheel through the streets of D.C. while singing 'Close to You' at the top of my lungs."


But again, it's all about scoring sound bites.  All of the nominees will be confirmed.

Finally, along the same lines, why do the questions begin with a lengthy soliloquy stating the questioner's own positions on the issues that will face the nominee?  They're not up for confirmation, are they?

It's because they want to score those sound bites, and they love nothing more than the sound of their own voices.

You know how to get a Senator to come and talk to you?  Bring out a TV camera and a microphone.

One final related note: in his press briefing, Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked why Mr. Trump was planning to stay in his own hotel the night before the inauguration.  Another brilliant question.

Um, gee, could it be because a) the White House's current occupants won't have moved out yet, and b) he can stay at his own hotel for free, thereby not costing the taxpayers any money, since he's there to be inaugurated as President and thus is there on our dime?

The fact of the matter is that Trump could sleep with the homeless in Franklin Square, and Democrats would fine some nefarious intent.

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