Thursday, March 16, 2017

Daylight Savings Time, and "You're Fired!"

First, a note on Daylight Savings Time (DST):

It's stupid.  It serves no purpose.  It messes up the sleep schedules of toddlers, which make them cranky and difficult to deal with.

It messes up my sleep schedule, which makes me cranky and difficult to deal with.

To think that legislators actually spent time debating and then passing a bill to tell the states what time it is galls me.  Ah well, at least they weren't passing bills screwing up important things like health care and taxes and banking reform.

Another problem with DST is that it falls on different dates every year, so it's nigh impossible to keep track of.  Then there's having to re-set every damn clock in the house.  What a nuisance.

Oh, and the car.  Who can remember every six months how to re-set the clock in their car?  To heck with fuel emissions standards, our first priority should be to build cars whose clocks automatically adjust to DST.  My computer does it.  My TVs and cable boxes do it.  My phone and my Apple Watch do it.  Heck, my alarm clock does it.  It we can build driverless cars, we can surely tackle this more important problem.

Arizona doesn't follow it.  Hawaii doesn't follow it.  Nor do many U.S. territories, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  How come the places that have awesome climates don't observe DST?  Maybe they're onto something.  Maybe I should move to Hawaii or St. John.

All I know is that if I were elected President, my first executive order would be to abolish DST.  Who's with me?


Last week, the Trump administration channeled its inner "The Apprentice," when Attorney General Jeff Sessions requested the resignations of 46 justices appointed by President Obama.

Not surprisingly, the left was apoplectic.  How dare they?

Never mind the fact that President Obama also asked for the resignations of Bush appointees.  Never mind that President Clinton asked for the resignations of 93 justices appointed by Bush Sr.  Never mind that Presidents have done this dating back to Thomas Jefferson.

One of the left's rallying cries was that, with these attorneys suddenly ousted from office, there'd be no one to fill the void and carry out ongoing investigations.

This is patently absurd.  Investigations overlap, so there would never come a point in time when all investigations were completed.  Moreover, any U.S. attorney that didn't keep his underlings in the loop to provide continuity in the event he or she got hit by a bus, or won the lottery, or was asked to resign by a new administration, deserves to be fired for incompetence.

The investigations will continue.  The assistant attorneys will step in.  Life as we know it will continue, and the sky will not fall.

One U.S. attorney held out.  Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for Southern New York, had apparently had a conversation with the President-Elect during which he was asked to stay.  Preet (it's too hard to type Bharara) supposedly went after the left and the right alike.  He was investigating the mayor of NYC and the governor of NY (both of whom warrant investigating).  He went after Wall Street.  He was considered a non-partisan judge.

So he became the left's poster child for apoplexy.

Look, after Trump was elected, the leaks by officials from the Obama administration came hard and fast.  I posted that the President needed to plug the leaks.  He did (no, I don't think he listened to me, I think he figured that out on his own).

So maybe Sessions changed his mind.  Maybe the administration decided all Obama holdovers needed to go because of the leaks.  Maybe they were just following the examples of Presidents past, including Presidents Obama and Clinton.

In any event, Preet was allegedly fired.  And after he was fired, he did everything in his power to justify the action.

He publicly tweeted his firing.  He held a media event on the steps of the courthouse in New York, shaking hands with his staff in front of the cameras, instead of in the office where such farewells normally take place.  He tried to make himself the center of attention.

Why?  Most observers believe he was launching his bid for governor of NY.

Well, good for him.  Maybe some future U.S. attorney will follow in his footsteps and investigate the governor.


A final note on the Trump tax return non-event:

So he made a bunch of money.  Big surprise.  And he paid a lot in taxes.

Bigger surprise, at least to the left.

Personally, I could care less whether Presidential candidates released their tax returns.  Why?

Because the average American couldn't decipher them if they tried, and the media would try to twist the information to mislead those average Americans.

As was proved by MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.  On both counts.

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