Dear President Zelenskyy,
America offers its prayers to you and the Ukrainian people. Regrettably, tragically, heart-breakingly, we can offer you little else.
Because, you see, unlike you, our own President is a coward.
You have seen this. While you stand in proud defiance against the naked aggression of Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden cowers in the face of it. Putin makes the obvious sabre-rattle of placing his nuclear forces on alert, and Joe Biden cancels a long-planned ICBM test, out of deference to what the world has now seen is an adversary far inferior to America's military might.
Biden's reaction should not be a surprise. You, and the rest of the world, watched as Joe Biden surrendered in shame to the Taliban last summer, sacrificing American lives and abandoning Americans and Afghan allies alike behind enemy lines, in spite of solemn promises to the contrary. And would that your brave countrymen had the materiel that we left in the hands of the Taliban!
Putin watched this unfold, too, and it no doubt emboldened him to take the action he is taking today. For this, Joe Biden bears no small responsibility for your current plight.
We Americans would rather pay more to fuel our cars and heat our homes than to continue to buy Russian oil that is tainted with the blood of your people. We realize, after all, how blessed we are to still have our cars and our homes.
But paying more is not even necessary: America's energy resources are abundant, and we have more than enough to not only supply our own needs, but to share with our European allies, thereby cutting off Putin's ability to fund his war machine, and thus completing the decimation of his economy and making him a pariah even among his own people.
However, Joe Biden cares more about appeasing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez than he cares about the horrors that might be visited upon the women of your country at the hands of Russian soldiers. So he continues to buy blood-tainted and ecologically "dirty" Russian oil rather than producing relatively "clean" oil here at home. And Ms. Ocasio-Cortez isn't intelligent enough to recognize the difference in the environmental impact about which she claims to care so much. (And, no matter what she may say about equality, she doesn't care about the fate of your women, either. She's too busy attending charity galas wearing expensive, donated designer gowns emblazoned with catchy slogans, and - ironically - making profits selling goods labeled with phrases condemning capitalism.)
Unlike you, Mr. President, Joe Biden is a career politician. He has spent his entire life in Washington, D.C., and it has corrupted him to the core. He cares only about his own political calculus, and how it can enrich him and his family. Unfortunately, whether you personally survive this war does not factor into his calculations. You cannot trust him, any more than you can trust Vladimir Putin.
But your survival matters to Americans. It matters because we long for a President like you, one that we can be proud of. One that will stand against aggression. One to whom the sovereignty of his country's borders matters. One who cares about his people, and stands with them. One who is a symbol of his nation, and not a mockery of it.
Unfortunately, Joe Biden can offer you little more than words, and in his present state, he doesn't even do a very good job of that. More than 74 million Americans wish we had a president that could offer you more, and I daresay that, today, a good many more than that have joined their number. Sadly, we can "only" offer our prayers now. But take heart, because prayer is a powerful thing. God is on your side, and that is a force that Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden together cannot overcome.
So we, the American people, will continue to pray. We pray for your continued strength, and for the deliverance of your great nation.
And, while we're on our knees, may God have mercy on Joe Biden's soul.
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