Friday, October 24, 2008

An Outrage

After I learned my Congressman's vote was bought by $64k of campaign contributions by financials the day of and day after the TARP vote, I sent him this e-mail. Vote your conscience. Dennis Moore is a criminal who should be removed from office and spend the rest of his life behind bars.

"Dear Congressman Moore,

I wrote you at the time of the TARP vote, urging you to vote against it.

You voted for it.

You then responded to me, and today, I responded to you.

Now, I've learned why you voted for the TARP.

Big finance bought your vote. For a lousy $64,000. For that amount of money, you sold your constituents and the rest of the American people down the river, to the tune of a trillion dollars.

Yet you have the audacity to post on your website the outrageous - if grammatically fractured (which should come as no surprise given your apparent intellectual impairment) words:

"We must change our budgeting practices that will put our future generations deeply in debt. Tough choices must be made, but if Kansas families have to live within a budget, and it's time the federal government did as well."

You'd get a "C" in a middle-school English class for those lines. But you'd get an "F" in economics.

Maybe you meant to say, "We must change our budgeting practices TO put our future generations deeply in debt." Because that's how you voted.


Because you sold your soul, and your constituents' tax dollars, for the $64,000 in campaign contributions that you received the day of your vote for the TARP and the day after from financial institutions that would benefit from your vote.

Your defense?

"So what? I've raised a million dollars in this campaign."

Yeah - one vote at a time.

You, sir, are a criminal, on the worst order. You should spend the rest of your natural life behind bars. It is a travesty that you have the gall to post the National Debt Clock on your website, with those fractured-English words quoted above.

A debt clock that you've been all too willing to accelerate through your own reckless spending.

Hey, Dennis - I've got a few extra bucks lying around, because I saw this crap coming and I'm short this market. Can I buy a vote or two? What's your going rate? Like the Bunny Ranch, or other houses of prostitution, do you have a menu that I can download, that will show me how much a vote on this bill or that would cost me? I might hit the bid for the right vote.

Don't bother sending it to me, though. I'm sure you've got your price, but I would never pay for your vote. You are despicable, and again, should spend the rest of your life in a Federal cell with your pal Barney Frank.

Rest assured that I will instead spend my dollars fighting tirelessly to remove you and your ilk from office, permanently.


Brian Hague"

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