Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Sad Day for Amerika

No, that's not a typo. Now that we're a socialist state, I figure we might as well make it official.

I won't rant. At least not tonight. I'm too depressed about the travesty that the Senate perpetrated on the American people tonight, and I don't want to ruin my night after an amazing day attending a Contemporary Worship Institute led by the legendary songwriter, Paul Baloche.

So I'll just list the brave, heroic Senators who had the intestinal fortitude and intelligence to stand up to their colleagues, who either don't understand fundamental macroeconomics, or are in the pockets of Wall Street, or both. These men and women - from both sides of the aisle; this is no time for partisan bickering - deserve our continued support. They fight the good fight in the interests of their constituents and a free America.

The rest deserve to be removed from office permanently.

Roberts (R)
Brownback (R)
Allard (R)
Barrasso (R)
Cochran (R)
Dole (R)
Enzi (R)
Sessions (R)
Shelby (R)
DeMint (R)
Vitter (R)
Wicker (R)
Bunning (R)
Inhofe (R)
Crapo (R)
Sanders (I)
Feingold (D)
Stabenow (D)
Dorgan (D)
Tester (D)
Wyden (D)
Johnson (D)
Cantwell (D)
Nelson (D)
Landrieu (D)

Please double your efforts to persuade your Representative to stop this madness, before we're all speaking Chinese.

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